Setting Up & Managing a WhatsApp Group for Councillors
Since the group is for official council updates, it’s important to set clear rules and manage notifications properly. Here’s how you can do that:
Setting Admin Controls
To keep the group focused, you can limit who can send messages:
- Go to Group Settings:
- Open the WhatsApp group.
- Tap the group name at the top.
- Scroll down and tap Group Settings.
- Restrict Messages to Admins Only:
- Tap “Send Messages” → Select “Only Admins”
- This ensures only the Clerk (or designated admins) can post updates.
- Control Who Can Edit Group Info:
- Tap “Edit Group Info” → Select “Only Admins”
- This prevents members from changing the group name, picture, or description.
3. Managing Notifications
Since not all councillors want constant notifications, they can mute the group while still receiving updates:
- Open the group chat → Tap three dots (⋮) → Mute notifications
- Choose 8 hours, 1 week, or Always
Even if muted, messages will still be visible when they check WhatsApp.
4. Encouraging Acknowledgment & Response
Since WhatsApp doesn’t have a formal “read receipt” for groups, ask councillors to react with a ✅ or to messages as confirmation they’ve seen them.